
Adding a credit to a tenant's account is done from their ledger. There are two types of credit:

  • General Account Credit
  • Line Item Credit

When issued, General Account Credit is applied automatically based on your facility’s payment order selected in billing settings. As such, General Account Credit may be applied towards any charge.

Line Item Credit is specifically applied to monthly recurring charges which are rent, insurance, and services.

Applying General Account Credit

On a tenant’s ledger:

  1. Click Issue Credit in the upper right of the screen. A popup window will appear.
  2. General Account Credit is selected as the default choice in the dropdown menu.
  3. Enter in an amount to credit in the Subtotal to credit field.
  4. Enter a reason for the credit in the Reason field.
  5. Click Apply Credit to issue the credit. The ledger will be updated to reflect the changes.

Applying Line Item Credit

On the tenant's ledger:

  1. Click Issue Credit in the upper right of the screen. A popup window will appear.
  2. In the dropdown menu labeled Specify item to credit invoice, choose the item you wish to credit. Note that this list will include all the items to which you can issue credits.
  3. In the Subtotal to credit field, type the desired pre-tax amount.
  4. A reason for the credit is required; be sure to type your reason in the provided field.
  5. Click Apply Credit to issue the credit. The ledger will be updated to reflect the changes.


Removing a Credit

  1. To remove or void a credit, select the credit line item in the ledger. The credit invoice will be displayed on your screen.
  2. Click the red Void button in the lower right corner.
  3. Enter a reason for the void and click Void Invoice.


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