Creating and Editing Email Templates

Your storEDGE software allows you to create your own templated email messages using the Document Editor. These emails can be assigned to an action such as move in, move out, transfer, delinquency and more. When those actions are completed by you or automatically by the software, the email will be generated with the tenant and unit information and will be available for you to email.

Navigate to the Document Editor by clicking the Settings Tab in the lower left of the screen.  On the Software Settings tab, click Letters or Emails depending on the type of template you would like to edit. 

Default Templates

On the Email Templates screen there is a list of default email templates and the option to add a customized template. The system provides a variety of default email templates for you to use. Click Copy and Edit to customize the default template to your message. The selected email will open in the Document Editor where you can edit the text, add or remove replacement fields and utilize the formatting tools.

Replacement Fields

Replacement fields pull in information from the system and populate the email body with specific information. These fields function as markers for information pertinent to the recipient of the email and are automatically replaced with that information at the time of the selected action or event.  For example, an overdue email message can be added to the delinquency process. If you place the replacement field of [[]] in the overdue email message, then the unit number the tenant rents will appear in the email message.

Replacement fields are organized into a table on the Document Editor page. This table is divided into several categories. Clicking the expansion arrow beside each category will expand that section and show you all of the available replacement fields in that category.

To place a replacement field in an email template:

  • Locate the desired replacement field in the categorized list
  • Place the cursor in the editing window in the place you wish to add the field
  • Click the replacement field (denoted by a + next to the name of the field, such as + Name)

The replacement field will be automatically formatted and added to the email template.

To remove an unwanted replacement field, simply delete it from the text or click Undo at the top of the editing window.

Customized Templates

To create a new email message in the Document Editor:

  1. Click + Add new template. The Document Editor will open with a new, blank message.
  2. Enter a title for the email message in the Description field.
  3. Enter a subject line as you would in a standard email message in the Subject field. This is a required field.
  4. Select a Layout Template. For more information on email layout templates, see our help article, Creating and Editing Email Layouts.
  5. Click Select Action to show a list of available actions and events to which you can attach the email message. Click the X next to the action or event to remove the email message from it.
  6. Begin typing your email message into the editor box. Utilize the formatting tools at the top of the editor box to make common styling choices. Add replacement fields as needed.
  7. Once you are satisfied with your email message, click the Save button.
  8. Click the Email Templates link in the upper left corner to go back to the list of templates.

Saving a new or copied email template as the primary template to a selected action or event will automatically turn it on and turn any template that was previously marked as primary off.


Ad hoc documents

An ad hoc document is a document that is not associated with any action or condition in your software. Designating a document as ad hoc means that it will not be populated for any reason by the system unless you take an action to populate it yourself. Many facilities use ad hoc documents to update their tenants about maintenance issues or marketing promotions.

To create an Ad hoc document template, click Select Action and select Ad hoc from dropdown menu.



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