Your storEDGE marketing website

Your storEDGE marketing website was designed with your prospective customers in mind and includes a variety of features that make renting a unit, viewing amenities, or paying bills easy. Additionally, it is fully integrated with your storEDGE software for your business’s convenience.

Which website platform am I using?

Our latest platform ✓

The storEDGE marketing website support articles you’ll find on our help site are for our newest website platform. If your admin looks like the image below and you can use the same login credentials as you do for the software to log in, you’re in the right place.


You may be eligible for an upgrade to the new platform

If your admin looks like the image below and your website does not include some of the features mentioned in the marketing website section of our help center, contact or call 913-954-4110 to discuss upgrading your website plan to our new and improved, fully-integrated platform.



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