Introduction to storEDGE marketing websites - for SiteLink users


This guide is intended for marketing website users who use SiteLink as their management software. If you do not use SiteLink as your software provider and you can't find what you're looking for, contact our support team for assistance.

Your storEDGE website was designed with your prospective customers in mind and includes a variety of features that make renting a unit, viewing amenities, or paying bills easy. Additionally, your website is integrated with your SiteLink software, ensuring data like vacant unit counts, pricing, and facility information is consistent between your software and your website. Your storEDGE marketing website is intended to generate leads and provide an online storefront for your business.

Some of the settings that control your website will be located within your SiteLink software and some settings will be located within storEDGE, and the two platforms will communicate information to one another. This guide is intended to help you understand and manage your new website using both SiteLink and storEDGE and help you understand how the two platforms pass information to one another.

How information is shared between SiteLink and storEDGE

Since some of your facility’s information lives in SiteLink and some of it lives in storEDGE, it’s vital to know what information is based where and specifically what information is passed from platform to platform. The arrows below shows you the direction that information is passed. You’ll notice that some information is linked and not directly passed.


help_site_sitelink.png   storEDGE-color.png

Facility information (name, address, phone number) is based in SiteLink and and is sent to storEDGE.


storEDGE receives facility information and displays it on the website.

Unit Group info is based in SiteLink and is sent to storEDGE.


storEDGE receives Unit Group info and displays it on the website.

Unit Pricing info is based in SiteLink and is sent to storEDGE.


storEDGE receives unit pricing from SiteLink and displays it within the units table on the website.

SiteLink receives reservations for specific units from the storEDGE website.


Reservations take place on the storEDGE website and are sent to SiteLink. Reservations are attached to a specific unit.

SiteLink will receive leads that are not tied to a particular unit from the storEDGE website. Leads will have a fake unit number attached to them and be labeled as Web - Lead.


Leads take place on the storEDGE website and are transferred to SiteLink attached to a fake unit number.

The online payment functionality lives in SiteLink, but the payment window is sent to storEDGE to be framed into a page on the website. All payments still take place in SiteLink and no payment information is shared.


storEDGE frames the online payment window from SiteLink and places it into a page on the website. The payment still takes place within SiteLink and no payment information is stored or intercepted by storEDGE.

Move-ins are based within SiteLink. No information is passed to storEDGE.


When enabled, a move-in button on the website links to SiteLink Web Template for online move-ins, but no tenant information is passed between the two platforms.

No information regarding calls is passed to SiteLink.


Calls on your tracked phone line originate and remain in storEDGE. No call information is passed to SiteLink.

No information regarding reviews is passed to SiteLink.


Reviews that customers leave on your website are approved or denied within storEDGE.

A brief overview of storEDGE

Your marketing website comes with more than access to our website platform. You also have access to both the Corporate and Facility level of storEDGE, where you can access your settings and your tracked phone line.

To log in to storEDGE, direct your browser to and enter your login credentials. Additionally, you can reach the software from your website admin (when logged in) by clicking the storEDGE logo in the bottom left of your website admin.


Corporate level

Your navigation bar for the Corporate level of storEDGE is located on the left of your screen. You’ll notice three icons in vertical navigation bar:


  • Clicking unit icon (top) gives you a list of all facilities at your company. Clicking on the facility name will take you to the Communication tab (facility level) for that facility.

  • The person icon (center) is where you can control your account details, such as editing your username and password.

  • The gear icon (bottom) will take you to all settings and permissions.

If you are viewing the facility level of storEDGE and would like to access the Corporate level, you can click the Corporate button in the top right of your screen.

Facility level

The facility level of storEDGE is where you will find your  Communication tab. You can reach the facility level of the software  by clicking the facility's name on the main page of the Corporate section.


From the facility level’s Communication tab, you’ll find your Phone Calls tab, where you will manage your tracked phone line and your Reviews tab, where you can approve or deny reviews that customers leave on your website.


Corporate Settings

Your Corporate Settings contain all settings pertaining to users and user permissions. There are five sections in your Corporate Settings:

  • Users: Within your Users section, you can create new user accounts and see all the users you have added to your company. Additionally, you can assign a role to a user, which determines which permissions the user will have.

  • User Settings: Your User Settings give you a variety of optional security-related settings, such as automatic logout timing and password verification.
  • Roles: Your Roles allow you to define which users have permission to access and perform specific functions in your website admin and in storEDGE. 

  • Facility Info: The Facility Info section is where you can add a variety of information about your facility. Although the facility information that appears on your website comes directly from your SiteLink software, you can add additional information here.

  • Lead Notifications: From the Lead Notifications section, you can enter email addresses that you'd like to receive a notification when you have a new lead at your facility. You can read about how to set up lead notifications on the storEDGE Help Center.




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