Your software gives you the ability to require a tenant’s signature on any document and send that document to tenants via SMS, email, or a paired device at your facility to gather their signatures. This functionality simplifies numerous processes at your facility, from insurance enrollment and leases to policy agreements and addendums.
Setting up E-sign for your documents is simple, and sending them only takes a few quick steps. This guide will assist you in:
- Preparing documents for e-sign
- Sending documents to tenants via email
- Sending documents to tenants via SMS
- Sending documents to a device for e-sign
- Keeping track of signed and unsigned documents
Preparing documents for e-sign
There are a broad range of document bracket replacements built into storEDGE that populate information into documents for you. To prepare a document for e-sign, all you need to do is add the appropriate bracket replacements to your documents to gather signatures. If you are already gathering signatures electronically at move-in, you might already be familiar with this process.
Sending documents to tenants via email
You can send any document that has been prepared for e-sign to a tenant’s email easily from their tenant page. To do so:
- At the top of the tenant page, click Send Document.
- Under Method, select Email.
- Select the document you’d like to send from the Document dropdown. Any document prepared for e-sign will populate into this list. Additionally, documents labeled as Ad hoc type documents will populate and can be sent.
- Click Send.
- The email will be sent automatically. You can preview the email if you wish by clicking Preview Email.
Your tenant will receive you email with a link to the document that needs to be signed.
When the tenant clicks the link, the document will open and they can sign the document. If they receive the email on their computer, they can use their mouse to sign the document. If they receive the email on their smartphone, they can sign using their touchscreen.
Sending documents to tenants via SMS
To send a document to a tenant via SMS:
- At the top of the tenant page, click Send Document.
- Under Method, select SMS.
- Select the document you’d like to send from the Document dropdown. Any document prepared for e-sign will populate into this list. Additionally, documents labeled as Ad hoc type documents will populate and can be sent.
- Click Send.
The tenant will receive your SMS with a link to sign the document.
Once they click the link, they can sign the document they same way they would via email or if they were present at your facility.
Sending documents to a device for e-sign
You can send any document that is prepared for e-sign to a paired device to gather a signature. This is convenient for situations when a tenant is physically present in your office. Before a document can be signed on a device, you must pair the device you’d like to use.
Once you have a device paired, you can follow the same steps for sending a document as you would for email. Just select Device rather than email and select the appropriate device if you have more than one device paired.
Keeping track of signed and unsigned documents
You can keep track of documents that remain unsigned through notifications on your Task List. Additionally, the Communication Tab provides details about whether or not a document that you’ve sent out still needs to be signed.