Communication Blackout Settings

Communication blackout periods allow you to set hours when your SMS messages and emails are paused. This means, if a blackout period is set, tenants will not receive automated communications during the hours specified. Messages will resume being sent after the blackout period is over. 

⚠️ You are responsible for all use of SMS messages and emails in compliance with the terms of service and all applicable laws, including consumer protection, spam, privacy and debt collection laws.

In order to set a blackout period for your facility or facilities, navigate to Settings within your Corporate account. Select the Software Settings tab from the navigation menu. 


Scroll down until you see Documents, then click Settings from beneath the Documents header. 


Scroll down until you see Enable Email Communication Blackout and Enable SMS Communication Blackout. Use the Yes and No radio buttons to choose whether you would like to enable a communication blackout period.


Use the Start hour and End hour dropdown menus to set when the blackout period starts and ends based on your facility’s time zone. The blackout period you set will apply to both SMS and email blackout if both are enabled. Blackout periods will default to ON between 8:00 pm to 9:00 am when you are onboarded to storEDGE unless you make changes.

Expand the Facilities dropdown and select which facilities you’d like to apply the Communication Blackout settings to. 


Once you’ve finished setting up your Communication Blackouts, click the Save button.


All automated SMS messages will adhere to the blackout settings. Emails require one additional step before they adhere to the blackout settings. Navigate back to the Software Settings menu and click on the Emails button. For each template you want to be restricted to the blackout time period, click Edit. Check the box labeled Do not send during electronic communication blackout.



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