Websites What's New: 2022

October 25, 2022

New Header Section

As a Storable Websites customer, you will now have more options on how to customize how the header menu appears on your site.

You are now able to create primary and secondary buttons. In the below examples, Our Location is the primary button, while Pay Online is the secondary button. 




You are also able to invert the background color of your header section. 






You will still have the ability to add a pre-header, however widgets cannot be removed or swapped out like they could in previous versions.


Have questions? Reach out to to start using these new features on your website!

October 11, 2022

French translation

We've added French to the Google Translate widget within the header of all websites, which allows you to provide French translations for your customers.


No set up is required, and you should see French within this dropdown whenever using the Google translate widget going forward.

September 27, 2022

Navigation accessibility improvement

For Storable Websites users, we’ve made navigating your website header more accessible. If your website’s header contains a dropdown menu, the main header item will no longer link to a landing page. Instead, customers will expand the dropdown menu and will then see a link to the group landing page and links to the other subpages.

In the example below, “All Locations” in the header is not a link and there is a new link for the “All Locations” page in the dropdown menu.


September 13, 2022

Contact us page now alphabetized 

For Websites users, we have changed the Contact Us page to sort your facility list alphabetically. This will allow your customers to more easily find the facility they are inquiring about.





January 18, 2023

Sorting units

We made it easier for customers to sort the Units Table on mobile devices allowing customers to click anywhere on the Size or Price column header to sort the column. 

Searching for units

We removed the Filter label next to the search bar to clarify that customers should use the search bar to search for units.

Select a unit from the Units Table

We've made it easier for customers to select a unit from the Units Table by allowing them to click anywhere on a unit's row to select the unit.

No results found matching that search

If a customer searches but finds no results, we've added messaging that clarifies they should try different search terms.


Still have questions?
Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.
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