General FAQ

Below, you'll find some of the most common questions we get from our customers:

How do I back up my data?

All of your data on storEDGE is stored in the cloud so individual facilities don't need to process back ups. storEDGE uses Amazon Web Services (AWS), the largest provider of cloud services in the US, to store the data. In addition to that, storEDGE backs up the entire database every hour to add another layer of assurance that no data is ever lost. For more information on the cloud, see this great video, A Visit into the Cloud, from CBS Sunday Morning.

How do I add a unit to an existing customer?

To add another unit to an existing tenant, access the tenant's file. Click the Add unit button. The next screen will be pre-populated with the tenant's existing phone number, address, etc. All you need to do is select the new unit under Rental Information and complete the move-in process.


How do I send a mass email to all my tenants from my software?

Your storEDGE software gives you the ability to send an email to all of your tenants or a group of tenants with just a few clicks. This functionality allows you to update your tenants about important news without the costly process of sending documents through postal mail. Read our article: Mass email for full instructions. 

I applied a payment to the wrong unit. How do I transfer it to the right unit?

Access the Billing tab and click the Payments tab in the top right corner of the window. Find the payment that has been applied to the wrong unit. Click the link for the payment in the Payment column. Click the Transfer Payment button. Your software will walk you through the steps of transferring the payment.

How do I prorate rent at move-out?

To prorate rent at move-out, adjust the Refund Partial Rental Periods in settings. You can do this in the Corporate section of your software under the Refunds section of your Software Settings tab. You can learn more about Refund Settings on our help site.

I would like the system to stop prorating rent at move-out. What should I do?

Access the Corporate section of your software. Click the Refunds button in your Software Settings tab. In the Refund Partial Rental Periods during Move Out section, change the setting to Never Prorate, click the Facilities link, check the box next to your facility and click the Save button. 

How do I print a blank lease, letter, or other document?

Access your Communications tab. Select the Templates tab and find the document you need. Select View to the right. From here, you can print the document.

How do I transfer a unit to a different person?

You have two options for transfer of ownership:

  1. Move out the tenant. Immediately after, move in the new tenant.
  2. Edit the tenant name and details in the tenant file, and have the new tenant sign a new lease. Upload the new lease to the tenant’s profile using the upload button on the tenant page. You can read more about uploading documents to a tenant page in our image capture help article.

How do I reduce a tenant's rent?

To lower a tenant's rent, access their tenant page. On the General tab, click the Edit Rent Rate button. In the window that appears, select One-time from the options. Select the by $ or by % and enter a negative amount in the amount field or select to a fixed rate and enter the new amount you'd like to charge the tenant. Select the date you'd like their rent to change. Click Save.

How do I create quarterly, 6 month or annual invoices?

To generate an invoice for a tenant for multiple months, access their Tenant Page and click the Bill Future Months button in the upper right of the screen near Account Balance.bill_future_months_button.png

A new window will open. From here, use the dropdown menu to select how many months for which you’d like to generate an invoice. You can invoice up to 24 months in advance.


The invoice will open in a new tab. The invoice includes line items for each month of rent you've chosen to bill in advance for each unit the tenant is renting. You can then print it to mail to the tenant.

How can I view the multi-month invoice after I've printed and closed it?

Once the invoice has been generated, you can view the full multi-month invoice by accessing the tenant's ledger and clicking the invoice for the date furthest into the future (the month through which you've generated an invoice). You'll see the charges for that month only on the screen, but  clicking Print will show you a copy of the invoice with all invoiced months between the current month and the month you selected that have not yet been paid.

How do I merge or combine tenant accounts?

Currently there is no automatic procedure for merging duplicate tenant accounts. Processing a move-out and then a move in using the steps above for adding a unit to an existing tenant is the only way to combine duplicate tenant accounts.

How are units sorted?

The sort order for units is alpha then numeric then alpha. Storage unit numbering can get a little complicated, though, so here are some examples.

Units with only numbers will sort like this: 225, 226, 227, 228, 229

Units with numbers then letters will sort like this: 225, 226A, 226B, 227, 228B, 228C, 229

Units with letters then numbers will sort like this: A225, A226, A227, B225, B226, B227

Units with letters then numbers then letters will sort like this: A225A, A226B, A227C, B225A, B226A, B226B

Units that have symbols in the unit number will follow the order above as well but the system will ignore the symbol.

If you find your units are not sorted in this order you need to reset the units by going to Settings, clicking the Units button, selecting the Individual tab and then just click Edit and Save on the unit you want to reset. (You don't have to change anything when you click Edit. Just clicking edit and clicking save resets the unit and allows it to sort properly.)

Why are renters receiving a "validation failed" message when trying to rent online?

The most common reason for this is the balance due for the online move-in is $0.00 due to a First Month Free discount. Only in-store move-ins can be $0.00. Instead of offering First Month Free, try offering $1 move-ins or Second Month Free move-ins.


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