Channel Rates

Many storage companies benefit from being able to choose which rates they have set for a unit group in their software that will display on their website or through various marketing platforms like SpareFoot or StoreLocal. In fact, many companies have a Web Rate that they use strictly for online marketing. Your software provides an easy way to select which rates appear through various channels that integrate with your software. Using the Channel Rates functionality will give you control over which rate (your standard rate, managed rate, or Web Rate) appears on your storEDGE website or through third-party channels across the web.

Defining Channel Rates

To select which rates you'd like to use through which third parties, access the Channel Rates section of your software, which is located in your Corporate Software Settings under the Rates & Promos heading.


Once you've accessed the Channel Rates settings, select the facility or facility group from the dropdown for which you’d like to select your channel rates. Next, note the different channels you have set for your facility. The channels that appear in this section are the third parties with which your facility is currently integrated and turned on in the API section of your software settings.

Under the various channels through which you can send rates, you’ll see a dropdown list. From here, select the rate you’d like to display through that particular channel. You can choose to display the unit group's managed rate, standard rate, or Web Rate. After making your choice, click Save.



Once you’ve adjusted and saved your Channel Rates, the rates you’ve selected should appear on the platform within a few minutes.


storEDGE Website

If you want the Web Rates that you've entered in the Revenue Management section of your software to appear on your storEDGE website, select Web under the storEDGE Website channel. If you use Web Rates for your website, you should also set your Rental Center to use Web Rates. Otherwise, the rate shown on your website and the rate the customers sees when completing an online move-in may not match.


Within a few minutes, the units table on your storEDGE website will display the Web Rate. If the Web Rate is lower than your managed or standard rate, the rate displayed will include the standard rate for the unit group crossed out with the Web Rate shown above it.



If you'd like your Web Rates to appear on your SpareFoot listings, select Web under the Online Marketing Service - SpareFoot channel.


If your Web Rate is lower than your standard rate, SpareFoot will display the standard rate crossed out with the Web Rate above it as the rental rate.



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