Adding insurance to a tenant's account

Offering insurance for the contents of your tenants’ storage units is one of the best ways to protect both you and your customers from financial loss in the event of a natural disaster, theft, vandalism, or an other unfortunate and unavoidable event. Offering storage insurance at your facility provides your tenants with the peace of mind that their belongings are safe without requiring them to find insurance for their unit elsewhere. Your software gives you the ability to sell insurance and gather signatures on required documents in just a few easy steps.

This guide will provide insight into:

Adding insurance to a tenant's account

The move-in process provides an easy way to add insurance to a tenant’s account, but sometimes the decision to enroll in a protection plan comes after a tenant has already moved in to your facility. These instructions will aid you in adding insurance to a tenant’s unit after they have moved in.

Store Insurance

Store insurance is insurance sold by your facility. If you have the provider you’re using at your facility added to your Corporate Insurance Settings, you can add insurance to their account, gather their signature on their insurance documents, and process their first payment in just a few steps.

Private Insurance

Private insurance is a policy that your tenants holds independently. You can add a tenant’s insurance policy details to your software to keep a record that the tenant is insured and keep track of their insurance expiration.

Adding store insurance

To sell store insurance (outside of move-in) and add it to a tenant’s rental:


  1. Navigate to the tenant’s page.
  2. Next to their unit details on the right of their page, click Edit Rental next to the unit you’d like to insure.

  3. In the Insurance section of the unit’s details, click + Add Insurance.

  4. In the + Add Insurance window, select Store Insurance.
  5. Select a Coverage Amount. The coverage options you have set in your software will populate here.
  6. Select a Company. In this context, Company refers to the insurance provider. The insurance provider that you have added to your facility in your Corporate Insurance Settings will populate here.

  7. Enter the Policy #. This is optional. Your policy number is stored in your Corporate Insurance Settings, so the value in adding a the policy number here would be for reporting purposes only.
  8. Select an Effective Date. This is the date that you want coverage for the rental to begin.
  9. Select a Type of Goods Stored.
  10. Add a Description of Goods (optional).
  11. Click Next.


  12. On the next screen, review the charges for the insurance premium to ensure everything is correct. If a tenant is to be covered immediately, you may notice the tenant’s total amount due is prorated for the date in your billing cycle that coverage begins.

  13. Click Next.


  14. On the next screen, review the required documents. If you’d like to physically print an insurance document, you can do so from here.


  15. Click Next.
  16. On the next screen, you can gather signatures on documents prepared for e-sign. If the tenant is physically present, you click  Sign Now to have the tenant sign using your computer or select Sign on Device to use a paired device. If the tenant is not physically present, you can click Send to Tenant via SMS or email to have a tenant sign on their own device. Alternatively, you can select Sign Later to skip this step until a later date.


  17. Complete the payment on the next screen.

Once this process is complete, your tenant’s insurance details will be reflected on their tenant page and in insurance reports

Adding private insurance

  1. Navigate to the tenant’s page.
  2. Next to their unit details on the right of their page, click Edit next to the unit you’d like to insure.
  3. In the Insurance section of the unit’s details, click + Add Insurance.
  4. On the next screen, select Private Insurance in the Insurance dropdown.


  5. Under Type, select the type of insurance the tenant has.
  6. Next, select their insurance provider under Company. If their provider is not listed, select Other.
  7. Add the tenant’s insurance limit.
  8. Add the tenant’s insurance expiration date.

    📖 Read about keeping track of expired insurance on our help site.

  9. Select an option in the Types of Goods Stored dropdown.
  10. Add a Description of Goods (optional).
  11. Click Add Insurance.

Once this process is complete, your tenant’s insurance details will be reflected on their tenant page and in insurance reports.

Preparing insurance documents for e-sign

In order to complete the Documents step of adding store insurance to a tenant’s account, you first need to prepare your documents. To do so:

  1. Navigate to your Documents and Emails settings.
  2. Click Edit next to your insurance document.
  3.  Ensure that your document is labeled as Insurance in the Document Type dropdown.
  4. Next to Triggered By, click Resulting Actions.
  5. Select Store Insurance.


  6. In the email body, verify that you’re using the appropriate e-sign brackets if you plan to gather a signature. If you do not select Store Insurance as a resulting action, the Documents step of adding insurance will not take place.
  7. Click Save.

Keep track of unsigned insurance documents

If you need to skip the e-sign process when you’re adding insurance or if you’ve sent the tenant and e-sign request via SMS or email, you can keep track of which documents have not yet been signed on the Communication tab. Just navigate to your Communication tab and click the E-sign tab. Any pending signature requests will be listed here.


From here, you can send the signature request by clicking Resend. If the tenant is physically present at your facility, you can click Sign to gather their signature on the spot using your computer or paired device.

Keeping track of insured tenants

Your software’s Reports tab on the facility level of your software provides several reports that help you keep track of your tenants’ enrollment in store and private insurance:

Insurance Activity:

This report is based on a custom date range and gives you a summary of store insurance activity during the chosen date range. It will show you which tenants purchased store insurance, shows you their policy information, and display associated credits. Additionally, it displays a Billing ledger for insurance-related charges.

Insured Tenants Roll:

This report gives you insurance details about all insured tenants at your facility, including both store and private insurance.


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