Using the Media Gallery

The Media Gallery is a collection of all your website images in one easy-to-manage space within your website admin. From your media gallery, you can upload images, edit their title and alt tags, and assign them to facilities. You can add images you’ve uploaded to your media gallery to any image widget on any page of your website.

Useful things to know before using your website’s media gallery:

  • Images added to the media gallery can be used on any page of your website.
  • Using the media gallery to upload images is optional. Alternatively, you can add images to your website pages from an image widget.
  • Uploading images to your image widgets will also upload them to your media gallery. This enables the image to be used on other pages without having to upload the image a second time.
  • An image’s title text and alt text (also known as metadata) will be used anywhere the image is used. The image can only have one set of metadata, so if you edit these details in one place, your edits will be duplicated anywhere else the image is used.
  • Deleting an image from a widget will not delete the image from your media gallery. It will only delete the image from that particular widget.
  • Deleting an image from the media gallery will remove the image from the places it is used across your website.
  • Optimal image sizes:
    • Facility image slideshow, image widget, and image grid: 750 X 450 pixels
    • Hero image widget: 2000 X 555 pixels

This guide provides insight into:

Accessing the media gallery

You can access the media gallery by clicking the photo icon from the navigation bar to the left of your website admin.


Within the media gallery, you’ll see a list of all the images you’ve uploaded to your website, along with the information you’ve added to them.


Uploading images to the media gallery

Adding an image to your media gallery will make it available to use on any page of your website. After adding an image to your media gallery, you can add it to any image widget on any of your website’s pages.

To add an image to the media gallery, click Upload Media in the top left corner of the media gallery tab. Then, select an image from your computer to complete the upload.

After the image has been uploaded, it will appear as the top listed item in your media gallery. From here, you can edit details about the image to prepare it for use on your website.



Editing image details

Before you add an image to one of your website’s pages, you’ll need to provide some information about the image. To edit an image’s details, click the image you’d like to edit. To the right of your screen, you’ll find the options to Edit the image or Move to Trash to delete the image.

To edit the image’s details, click Edit.


On the next screen, can enter details about the image:

  • Title text (optional): Title text helps tell search engines what types of images are on your website, helps boost SEO, and serves as a caption for your photo if a website visitor opens the photo and hovers over it with a cursor.

  • Alt Text (required): Alt text helps ensure that your website is compliant with accessibility standards.

  • Facility (optional): You can select a facility listed on your website to associate the image with a particular facility. Doing so will make it easy to find in search when adding it to a page on your website. Adding a facility doesn’t restrict the image to a single facility; you’ll still be able to use the image anywhere on your website that you choose.

  • File identifier (optional): You can add a file identifier to your image if you choose. Doing so may help you find the image more easily when scanning through your images or when adding it to a page.


Once you’ve added details about your image, click Update Image in the lower right corner of your screen to save your changes.

Adding images to your website

Adding an image to a page on your website is simple. You can upload a new image directly into an image widget, or you can select an image from your media gallery. To add an image to a page on your website:

  1. Select a page from your website admin and click Edit.
  2. Click the image widget that you’d like to populate with a new image and click Edit.
  3. From here, you can upload an image* or select a pre-uploaded image from your media gallery. Click Select from Gallery to choose an image you’ve already added to the media gallery.
    * If you choose to upload an image from the image widget, the image and any details you add will automatically be added to the media gallery for future use.

  4. On the next screen, you’ll see all images that have been uploaded to your image gallery. If you have a lot of images in your media gallery, you can select a facility from the drop down in the top left to find all images associated with a particular facility. Alternatively, you can search for an image by file name, file identifier, or title text, using the search bar on the right.

    Once you’ve selected the image you’d like to use, click Choose Image in the lower right.
  5. On the next screen, you can add or make changes to alt text and title text if you choose. When you’re satisfied with your changes, click Save.
  6. When you’re finished editing the page, click Publish to make your changes appear live on your website.

Deleting  images

If you no longer want an image to appear on your website, you can delete it from your media gallery. To delete an image:

  1. Navigate to your website’s media gallery.
  2. Select the image you want to delete and click Move to Trash on the right.
  3. You’ll receive a warning message letting you know that the image will be deleted from all widgets where it is populated across your website. To proceed with removing the image, click Delete.


Although the image will be deleted from every widget on your website where it was used, it will not be permanently deleted. The image will be moved to your media gallery’s Trash folder. 

The Trash folder
You’ll find the Trash folder in your media gallery admin. From the trash folder, you have two options to the right of your screen:


  • Click Restore to restore the image. Doing so will add it back into your media gallery and populate it back into the image widgets where it was previously displayed. 
  • Click Permanently Delete to remove the image from your trash folder. After permanently deleting an image, it will be completely removed from your website admin and will not be retrievable.



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