⚠️ In order to use Confirmation of Mailing, you must have Mail House enabled. Read our article on Using Mail House for more information.
Confirmation of Mailing provides evidence that you have mailed a letter to a tenant using the US Postal Service. The evidence provided contains details, dates, and data on when the mail was sent. It is paired with a time-stamped, tamper-evident PDF facsimile of the mailed document and any relevant supplemental USPS documentation.
Confirmation of Mailing and Certificate of Mailing differ in that Certificate of Mailing provides proof of delivery, while Confirmation of Mailing simply shows that it was sent. Read our article on Certificate of Mailing for more information.
However, if proof of delivery is not necessary for your use case, Confirmation of Mailing provides a cost effective way to confirm your mail was sent and to have legal backup for auctioning activities.
Setting up Confirmation of Mailing
In order to set up Confirmation of Mailing for any of your mailed pieces, you must have access to your Corporate account and be able to edit Corporate Delinquency settings. Read our article on Corporate Delinquency for more information.
Confirmation of Mailing can be found within any mail actions that includes sending a tenant something using USPS.If you have Mail House activated, you will see this Send with Confirmation of Mailing option when editing any Send Mail actions within any of your Delinquency schedules.
In order to receive Confirmation of Mailing for any of your Send Notice actions, select the radio button next to this option and click Save.
View Confirmation of Mailing Documents
Once a notice is sent using Confirmation of Mailing, you will be able to see all associated documents within the recipient tenant’s record.
To access these documents, click Tenants found on the left navigation bar.
From there, click on the tenant’s name from the table found on the Tenants page. You may also search for their name in the search bar found above the table containing the list of tenants.
Once you are on the applicable tenant’s record page, navigate to the Documents tab found on the top right corner of the screen.
Once there, find the line item attached to the letter you’d like to access the document for, then click the View Confirmation button on the sent letter’s line item.
Once loaded, you will see a PDF that confirms your tenant’s letter was sent via USPS.
You will be able to see Confirmation of Mailing as an additional line item within the following reports:
Mail Usage Report: