Offering Insurance through the Rental Center

Offering insurance to protect your tenants’ belongings is a great way to gain revenue and ensure your tenants’ belongings are protected. It’s easy to remember to sell insurance to your tenants at move-in, but your Rental Center offers an easy way to make sure your tenants are insured when they move in online.

There are several ways you can sell or gather insurance information during online move-ins via the Rental Center through various settings in your software. This guide will provide insight into:

Offering store insurance

If you offer store insurance, you can define your Rental Center settings to include insurance as a step in the move-in process. To do so:

  1. Access your Corporate Rental Center settings.

  2. Find Require Insurance at Move-in in your settings and select the facilities you’d like by expanding the Facilities section.

  3. Select Yes.
  4. Click Save.

When you have these settings in place, your tenants will have two options:

  • Purchase store insurance through the provider you have set up in your Corporate Insurance settings
  • Opt out

Opting out of store insurance

If you offer store insurance but you do not accept private insurance, your tenants will have the option to opt out of insurance coverage for their storage unit.


If you do not want your tenants to be able to opt out of insurance coverage, change your software settings as outlined below. If you do so, your tenants will have to choose between store insurance and private insurance when moving in via the Rental Center.

Accepting private insurance

If you don’t offer store insurance but would like to keep a record of which of your tenants holds private insurance for their storage unit, you can define your settings to ensure this information is gathered. To do so:

  1. Access your Corporate Insurance settings.
  2. Access the Settings tab in the upper right corner of your screen.
  3. Find Private Insurance: Allow tenant to use private insurance in your settings and select the facilities you’d like by expanding the Facilities section.

  4.  Select Yes.
  5. Click Save.

    Optional steps that will help you gather proof of private insurance from your tenants:

  6. Find Private Insurance: Enable task list notification to provide documentation when tenant uses private insurance and select the facilities you’d like by expanding the Facilities section.
  7. Select Yes.
  8. Click Save.

Once you have Private Insurance: Allow tenant to use private insurance enabled, your tenants will have the option to provide you with information about their private insurance they have to cover their storage unit. 

If you enable Private Insurance: Enable task list notification to provide documentation when tenant uses private insurance, you’ll receive a notification on your Task List to remind you to gather proof of insurance from your tenants. If they provide you with documentation, you can add the document to their tenant file. Additionally, you can add private insurance details to their tenant record.

Requiring either store or private insurance at move-in

If you want the added assurance that all of your tenants who move in online have current insurance coverage for their storage unit, you can do so by giving your tenants the option to buy store insurance or provide proof that their storage unit is covered by privately held insurance. By doing so, you effectively require all of your tenants who move in online via the Rental Center to insure their storage unit.

To require insurance you’ll need to edit both your Rental Center settings and your Corporate Insurance Settings. To do so, follow the steps to offer store insurance. Then, follow the steps to accept private insurance. After settings are in place, tenants will be able to choose between store insurance and private insurance during a move-in via the Rental Center


A few things to know about requiring either store or private insurance at move-in:

  • During a move-in via the Rental Center, tenants will have to choose either store insurance or private insurance to complete the move-in.

  • If you’ve defined your settings to enable a Task List reminder that your tenant needs to provide you with documentation of their private insurance, you’ll receive a notification on your Task List that you need to follow up with the tenant.

Enrolling tenants in store insurance when they fail to provide private insurance documentation (Storsmart and Bader only)


If you’ve edited your settings to enable Task List reminders for private insurance, you can keep track of which of your tenants did not provide you with documentation of their private insurance and enroll them in store insurance at your convenience.


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